Concealed Weapons Permit Class
- You can bring anything from a .22 caliber to a .45 caliber handgun. You will need 25 rounds of ammunition, as well as, hearing and eye protection.
- If you are current or prior Military, Retired Law Enforcement, you do NOT have to qualify on the range. Prior Military must have a copy of their DD214. If you are disabled from the military at ANY percentage, you must have it stated on a letterhead either from your family doctor or the VA.
- Weekday Classes (Fri. ONLY)start at 9 am and last until about 3 pm.
- Saturday Classes start at 8 am and last until about 3 pm.
- Class time is $50.00 if paying with CASH, $60.00 if paying with CARD (due to processing fees.) The SLED / fingerprint fee is now waived. Permit is FREE.
- Please bring a snack/lunch as we will work through lunch.
- MUST have own transportation to the range.
We can be reached at : 843-226-1329.
The Staff of Blue Steel Weapons